450+ Community Partners
56 California Counties
$118+ Million Dollars
The Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) Access Points Project is supporting organizations throughout California to address the opioid and substance use epidemic.
The project creates a community of practice that lifts up and makes available racially and culturally responsive population-based and place-based approaches for California’s most underserved communities.
MAT is considered the gold standard of care for opioid use disorder. If you are looking for treatment, please visit ChooseChangeCA.org to find a treatment provider near you.
Low-Barrier Opioid Treatment at Syringe Services Programs
Funding Awards
September 30, 2024 – September 29, 2027
To support the integration of opioid treatment services and other harm reduction activities into existing syringe service programs to sustain sites where opioid use disorder treatment services are available, increase the number of syringe service program participants engaged in treatment, and offer related supportive services such as case management and peer support.
The MAT Access Points Project is funded through the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) State Opioid Response (SOR) IV grant and is administered and managed by The Center at Sierra Health Foundation.
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