Opioid and Stimulant Use Disorder Prevention for Communities of Color Project July 2023- June 2024 Funding Awards

The MAT Access Points Project is funded through the Department of Health Care Services’ California MAT Expansion Project and is administered and managed by The Center at Sierra Health Foundation.

4th Second
Solano County

To provide trauma-informed referral and treatment navigation through school and barbershop-based referrals, peer outreach to curbside communities, and county-based referrals for individuals exiting the prison system, as well as provide culturally competent and trauma-informed SUD education to community referral partners and providers in order to reduce stigma and remove barriers to accessing care in Solano County.

ANH Foundation
Los Angeles County

To reduce opioid misuse amongst Black mothers that are pregnant or postpartum through partnering with mother-centric organizations providing a needs assessment and education in Los Angeles County.

Asian Health Services
Alameda County

To promote culturally and linguistically appropriate MAT and SUD treatment programs among Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities in Alameda County and reduce stigma around seeking SUD prevention and treatment services.

Bill Wilson Center
Santa Clara County

To increase individual knowledge and understanding of opioids and opioid use within the community of homeless youth of color in Santa Clara County.

Center for Community Advocacy
Monterey County

To utilize community promotores to bring culturally and linguistically responsible OUD/SUD information to Latinx communities marginalized by cultural, language, educational, and literacy barriers in Monterey County.

Center for Young Women’s Development DBA Young Women’s Freedom Center
Alameda and Santa Clara Counties

To empower BIPOC system-impacted young women and trans youth of all genders in Alameda and Santa Clara counties to educate their communities in culturally competent, trauma informed harm reduction strategies and by organizing statewide policy change to support non-criminalizing resources and community solutions to reduce harm associated with the impacts of disordered substance use, trauma and criminalization in California’s communities of color.

San Bernardino County

To prevent Opioid Use Disorder, Stimulant Use Disorder, and polysubstance use in BIPOC communities through education, outreach, harm reduction, and treatment referrals in San Bernardino County.

Daly City Youth Health Center (Jefferson Union High School District)
San Mateo County

To increase individual and community awareness of opioids and other substance use especially in BIPOC communities by reducing community and individual stigma around accessing services, treatment, and support, through a robust referral system and community outreach and education, including naloxone education in San Mateo County.

Eggleston Youth Center, Inc.
Los Angeles County

To support opioid, stimulant and polysubstance use education and treatment referrals for BIPOC youth in Los Angeles County by incorporating trauma-informed outreach into all programing and hosting community events and resources.

EmpowHER Institute
Los Angeles County

To provide a gender responsive, youth-led, culturally inclusive, trauma informed approach to educate BIPOC girls in grades 7-12 in Los Angeles County on opioid and stimulant use by providing weekly social-emotional education, monthly mentoring, case management and resource referrals for youth reporting addiction and their families.

Fresno Barrios Unidos
Fresno County

To provide destigmatizing preventative harm reduction drug education in Fresno County, as well as resources and information on accessing SUD supports and treatment.

FT Fit Therapy
Sacramento County

To implement SPORT, an outreach and educational campaign focused on urban communities in Sacramento County to address racial disparities in access to treatment, provide referrals to community interventions, offer alternative coping tools, and educate the public about Stimulant Use Disorder, Opioid Use Disorder, and Fentanyl.

Harbor Area High Gain
Los Angeles County

To expand outreach, prevention, early intervention, and education programs in various community settings by hosting events to expand awareness of risks associated with OUD and StUD and treatment options for communities of color in Los Angeles County.

Harm Reduction Coalition of San Diego DBA OnPoint
San Diego County

To provide training, education, and outreach within the tribal communities of San Diego County to increase individual and community understanding of opioids and opioid use, stimulants and stimulant use, and/or polysubstance use, prioritizing harm reduction and public health solutions that focus on positive messages to prevent SUD, while reducing the stigma of people who use drugs and care and treatment services.

Harm Reduction Institute
Orange County

To hire an Outreach Worker reflective of the Latinx community in Orange County to provide trainings and educational resources to participants and other Latinx serving organizations around harm reduction and naloxone.

Horizons Unlimited of San Francisco, Inc.
San Francisco County

To reduce the harms from opioid and substance use for Latinx youth in San Francisco County by developing youth focused community opioid and stimulant presentations and trainings, facilitating community-defined brief interventions in school district, engaging youth in a narrative change leadership program, and by referring as appropriate to treatment services.

Hyde Street Community Services
San Francisco County

To enhance intake processes for services by implementing harm reduction education to reduce stigma, increase connection, and increase knowledge of and access to a variety of treatment options including MAT and stimulant disorder treatment in San Francisco County.

Inland Empire Harm Reduction
Riverside and San Bernardino Counties

To address substance use disorder in underserved communities of color in Riverside and San Bernardino counties by changing the narrative, reducing stigma, facilitating access to MAT services, and fostering organizational partnerships by ensuring culturally relevant and competent services in the development of training curricula and outreach materials.

Inner-Tribal Treatment
Riverside, San Bernadino, and San Diego Counties

To increase prevention, outreach and engagement around opioid, stimulant, and polysubstance use in Southern CA tribes through a stigma-reduction campaign focusing on Riverside, San Bernadino, and San Diego counties.

Inspire Together
Los Angeles County

To reduce opioid misuse amongst youth of color in South Los Angeles through the Inspire Peer Substance Abuse Prevention Initiative.

Kno’Qoti Native Wellness, Inc.
Lake County

To improve outcomes related to substance use prevention, stigma reduction, harm reduction, and treatment and recovery services for people with opioid use disorder and stimulant/substance use disorders through expanding culturally appropriate substance use prevention outreach, education, case management, and referral services for tribal communities in Lake County.

La Maestra Family Clinic, Inc.
San Diego County

To provide information and education through outreach services regarding opioid, stimulant, and polysubstance use to BIPOC underserved and underinsured communities in San Diego County.

Latino Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services of San Mateo County
Tulare County

To develop and implement a Community Promotores Project for youth and parents so they may be trained to facilitate community outreach in Tulare County focused on substance use disorder prevention and implement seasonal educational campaigns with youth-designed stigma-reducing prevention strategies.

Lily of the Valley Emmanuel Church of Jesus Christ
Kings County

To increase community awareness and education around opioids and stimulants by developing and facilitating a community education and training campaign as well as a youth mentorship and training program in Kings County.

Little Manila Foundation
San Joaquin County

To reduce stigma around addressing opioid, stimulant, and polysubstance use through a culturally competent and trauma-informed way in San Joaquin County.

Madera Coalition for Community Justice
Madera County

To raise awareness around the impacts of opioid and fentanyl use and increase prevention and education efforts and access to services and resources for youth and their parents in the marginalized communities in Madera County.

MCAVHN Care and Prevention Network
Mendocino County

To develop and implement the Opioid and Substance Use Disorder Project which will train youth harm reduction ambassadors to focus on expanding community awareness, outreach and education around OUD, SUD, as well as polysubstance use, reduce stigma faced by PWUD, and strengthen referral pathways for people of color across all communities and tribal lands in Mendocino County.

Multi-Ethnic Collaborative of Community Agencies
Orange County

To lead a collaborative effort in serving Latinx and AAPI communities to implement the Compassion and Illuminated Pathways in SUD for Communities of Color project in an effort to highlight pathways to recovery and build compassion for those experiencing SUD in BIPOC communities in Orange County.

National Harm Reduction Coalition

To deliver culturally-relevant racial justice-centered harm reduction tools to Black communities that focus on positive messages to prevent SUD and decrease community and individual stigma of people who use drugs and care/treatment across the state.

Native Directions, Inc. DBA Three Rivers Indian Lodge
San Joaquin County

To provide Native communities in San Joaquin County with substance use disorder outreach, prevention, and community education that promote positive life changes.

Neighborhood Wellness Foundation
Sacramento County

To empower communities of color in Sacramento County through the development and implementation of a coordinated multimedia educational awareness and outreach campaign focused on Adverse Childhood Experiences and substance use.

New Directions Alcohol & Drug Services, Inc.
Los Angeles County

To reduce stigma around OUD/SUD, while increasing awareness of treatment barriers faced by BIPOC communities, harm reduction options, and onramps to MAT in Los Angeles County.

Operation Samahan, Inc. DBA Opsam Health
San Diego County

To increase community awareness of opioid use, stimulant use and/or polysubstance use and access to treatment services such as MAT among Filipinos/Asians in North Central and South San Diego County.

Passion and Purpose Ministries
San Joaquin County

To increase community awareness and engagement with OUD and SUD treatment in San Joaquin County by providing outreach at various community events and gatherings, by offering robust treatment referrals and support, and by developing community messaging through various social media channels.

Radio Bilingüe, Inc.

To develop a statewide multilingual radio campaign that will increase community OUD/SUD awareness, knowledge, and connect listeners to advocacy by focusing on positive stories, utilizing a harm reduction lens, and lifting up CBOs with trusted treatment programs.

Restore 180
Kings County

To provide community outreach and education on opioids, stimulants and polysubstance use particularly for individuals impacted by incarceration through workshops, healing circles, resources fairs, and seminars throughout Kings County and referrals to treatment providers.

Safer Together
San Francisco County

To reduce overdoses in Black communities in San Francisco County through weekly street outreach, community-led education initiatives, resource mobilization, relationship building, and care and treatment navigation services.

San Francisco Drug User’s Union
San Francisco County

To support drug user health and wellbeing by re-establishing syringe service program activities in San Francisco County through a drop-in center and facilitating a community advisory board to guide approaches and activities.

Southern California Pacific Islander Community Response Team (Kutturan Chamoru Foundation)
Los Angeles County

To provide culturally appropriate education, outreach, and substance abuse prevention and support for the NHPI community through Southern California Pacific Islander Community Response Team in Los Angeles County.

Special Service for Groups, Inc.
Los Angeles County

To implement a comprehensive training and community awareness campaign to increase individual and community understanding of opioids, stimulants, and polysubstance use, including but not limited to prevention, harm reduction, and treatment services in Los Angeles County.

Starting Over, Inc.
Riverside and San Bernardino Counties

To provide outreach, education, and harm reduction to the community about the higher risk of opioid overdose death faced by reentering people, who are a majority BIPOC, in Riverside and San Bernadino counties.

The Alliance for Community Wellness DBA La Familia
Alameda and Contra Costa Counties

To expand prevention and education efforts for youth and adults, enhance harm reduction strategies, and improve access to treatment and recovery services through community referrals and linkages for individuals with OUD/SUD in Alameda and Contra Costa counties.

The JUDAHH Project

To engage with STRTPs hosting African American foster youth to provide youth and providers with SUD education and harm reduction training through brochure development and resource sharing statewide.

The Multicultural Center of Marin
Marin County

To implement and strengthen community outreach and education programs around opioid use and substance use to destigmatize addiction and increase access to treatment services for Latinx youth in Marin County in particular by hosting in-house radio hours and collaborating with schools.

The T.R.E.E. Of Life (We Can Work It Out, Inc.)
Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Joaquin Counties

To provide community education and outreach around opioid, stimulant, and polysubstance use to reduce their impact on individuals and communities of color in the Los Angeles, Sacramento and San Joaquin counties.

Two Feathers Native American Family Services
Humboldt County

To train 6 Native youth ambassadors to become wellness and OUD and SUD prevention champions by developing and providing education, outreach and media campaigns to eliminate stigma particularly around SUD treatment in Humboldt County.

Union of Pan Asian Communities
San Diego County

To increase knowledge of opioid and stimulant use disorders and reduce its stigma among the underserved Asian, Pacific Islander, African American, Hispanic, East African communities and transitional age youth to promote greater acceptance of help seeking behaviors in San Diego County.

United Way of Northern California
Butte, Glenn, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Tehama Counties

To increase knowledge and reduce stigma associated with opioid and stimulant use within Butte, Glenn, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Tehama counties by supporting five community-based organizations to design effective messaging tailored to specific communities of color.

Urban Strategies Council
Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo and Solano Counties

To decrease the use and stigma of substance use disorder, opioid use disorders and polysubstance use among black youths through education and engagement on the harms of substances and how to navigate the treatment systems in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, and Solano counties.

Valley Health Associates
Monterey County

To increase understanding of substance use disorders, with a specific focus on opioid use disorder and stimulant use disorder and create tangible links to MAT services and treatment providers by designing and implementing specific, culturally and linguistically appropriate prevention campaign materials with the Latinx community in Monterey County.

VelNonArt Transformative Health
Los Angeles County

To increase knowledge of opioid use, stimulant use, and polysubstance use within BIPOC communities in Los Angeles County through education, outreach and referrals to treatment.

Women of Color on the Move
El Dorado, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties

To increase knowledge and awareness of opioid and polysubstance use and train substance use navigators, behavioral health counselors, health promoters, cultural brokers, community champions, peer workers or other community health worker models to incorporate opioid and stimulant use outreach, education and treatment referrals into their workflow in the El Dorado, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba counties.

Yancey Outreach International, Inc.
Sacramento County

To provide community awareness, outreach and education around opioids and stimulants, as well as polysubstance use, and connect those seeking treatment to programs including direct service referrals to all levels including MAT treatment throughout Sacramento County.

Young People in Recovery

To provide substance use disorder outreach, education, and stigma reduction services to BIPOC youth and young adults in five communities statewide: San Francisco, Berkeley, Fresno, Los Angeles and Riverside counties.