Opioid Use and Stimulant Use Education and Outreach in 2S/LGBTQ+ Communities
June 2023-July 2024 Funding Awards
The MAT Access Points Project is funded through the Department of Health Care Services’ California MAT Expansion Project and is administered and managed by The Center at Sierra Health Foundation.
Central Valley Gender Health and Wellness
San Joaquin County
To expand current community outreach and awareness activities to include OUD and SUD awareness, implement support groups, as well as provide cultural competency training for treatment providers in San Joaquin County.
Divine Truth Unity Fellowship Church, Inc.
DBA Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance
Riverside and San Bernardino counties
To increase opioid awareness in Riverside and San Bernardino counties by facilitating peer-led educational sessions in school and community settings, creating a youth-led multi-media campaign, and offering resiliency groups designed to provide authentic spaces and supports for social development.
Equality California Institute
Southern California
To support inclusive services by providing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training to behavioral health providers in southern California and to develop an anti-stigma social media campaign, resources, and toolkits about OUD and SUD in 2S/LGBTQ+ communities.
Friends Research Institute
Los Angeles County
To expand OUD and SUD education through a culturally responsive and trauma informed outreach campaign that elicits community feedback and provides in-depth and supported treatment navigation services at Friends Community Center in Los Angeles County.
HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County
Alameda County
To provide expanded OUD and SUD educational activities focused on 2S/LGBTQ+ communities in Alameda County by hiring a 2S/LGBTQ+ SUN, increasing capacity of mental health service staff, and developing focused outreach materials.
Latino Equality Alliance (Community Partners)
Los Angeles County
To provide creative activism SUD education, prevention, and navigation services to 2S/LGBTQ+ youth through the Latino Equality Alliance and the QT Connect program in Los Angeles County by supporting ambassadors to conduct outreach, host workshops and support groups, and offer resource navigation.
LGBTQ+ Collaborative
Calaveras, Merced, Mariposa, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne counties
To expand the Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (JEDI) Queer Health Initiative in Stanislaus, Merced, Calaveras, Mariposa and Tuolumne counties by implementing an OUD and SUD anti-stigma outreach and educational media campaign, and providing treatment referrals through peer health advocates.
Los Angeles LGBT Center
Los Angeles County
To provide access to responsive approaches to outreach and linkages to care for 2S/LGBTQ+ individuals with OUD or StUD by training mainstream medical and social services professionals and non-medical staff on harm reduction strategies and by continuing to support the Medical Social Worker to provide case management services in Los Angeles County.
North County LGBTQ Resource Center
San Diego County
To increase internal capacity by updating and disseminating OUD and SUD outreach materials, strengthening referral pathways, delivering LGBTQ+ Competency trainings to partners, implementing an anti-stigma marketing campaign, and providing ongoing support for current MAT clients in San Diego County.
Oakland LGBTQ Community Center
Alameda County
To expand the Rainbow Recovery Program in Alameda County by hiring additional Recovery Services Coordinators to conduct OUD and SUD outreach, provide case management, facilitate peer-led recovery support groups, and develop long-term individual recovery plans for 2S/LGBTQ+ individuals.
Pomona Pride Center
Los Angeles and San Bernandino counties
To facilitate weekly OUD and SUD creative and educational workshops for 2S/LGBTQ+ individuals in Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties as well as listening and restorative healing circles to identify individual risk, increase knowledge, and strengthen treatment referrals.
Los Angeles County
To offer a comprehensive approach to SUD prevention by hosting bi-weekly SUD workshops, addressing mental health needs, offering leadership and community engagement opportunities for 2S/LGBTQ+ youth to create dialogue on SUDs, harm reduction strategies, storytelling, and access to other social services in Los Angeles County.
Queer Humboldt
Del Norte and Humboldt counties
To reduce incidence, duration, and severity of OUD and SUD among 2S/LGBTQ+ people in Humboldt County and neighboring indigenous land through strategic community education, outreach, mental health case management, linkages to care, and a de-stigmatizing social media campaign.
Realistic Education in Action Coalition to Foster Health
Los Angeles County
To engage 250 young LGBTQ individuals of color in harm reduction workshops, produce a multi-media campaign focused on stigma reduction, and increase treatment referral pathways in Los Angeles County by hiring harm reduction staff and engaging peer volunteers.
Sacramento LGBT Community Center
Sacramento County
To build a dedicated staff team for OUD and SUD resources, culturally appropriate outreach and student-focused workshops, and the provision of trainings to healthcare providers on affirming care, while streamlining the referral process and addressing barriers to services for 2S/LGBTQ+ youth in South Sacramento County.
Saint Francis Foundation
San Francisco County
To provide culturally appropriate substance use screening, prevention and treatment referral options for the diverse trans- and gender expansive patients at the Gender Institute to advance health equity and support health navigation.
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
San Francisco County
To implement an OUD and SUD outreach and education campaign for 2S/LGBTQ+ participants who access low-barrier SUD services, develop individual harm reduction plans for people who use drugs, and by appropriately linking and referring to treatment services in San Francisco County.
Special Service for Groups
Los Angeles County
To provide OUD and SUD education, screening and robust linkages to treatment and recovery services through the Midnight Stroll program at APAIT, while continue a comprehensive social media campaign and providing quarterly staff training on SUDs in Los Angeles County.
Stonewall Alliance of Chico
Butte County
To co-facilitate OUD and SUD outreach, education, and referrals to treatment with harm reduction groups and healthcare providers, as well as develop a public media campaign, and strengthen the internal low-barrier counseling program to increase OUD awareness and access to care in Butte County.
The AMAAD Institute
Los Angeles county
To provide OUD outreach and education to 2S/LGBTQ+ youth through the Youth Health and Wellness and Youth Diversion and Development Programs to increase knowledge and education and engage in community narrative change in Los Angeles County.
The San Diego LGBT Community Center
San Diego County
To increase OUD and SUD awareness and access to treatment in San Diego County by providing training on 2S/LGBTQ+ communities to healthcare providers and by refining and implementing a stigma reduction campaign.
The Source LGBT+ Center
Tulare and Kings County
To provide opportunities for 2S/LGBTQ+ youth in Tulare and Kings counties to engage in OUD and SUD outreach and education through various summits, peer support groups, leadership engagement, and media activities as a way of increasing OUD knowledge and connection to services while also building resiliency.
The Spahr Center
Marin County
To increase OUD and SUD awareness and resource access by facilitating educational workshops and discussion groups about substance use with youth as well as developing specialized trainings for SUD providers on how to deliver culturally appropriate services throughout Marin County.
The TransLatin@ Coalition
Los Angeles County
To increase opioid and stimulant use knowledge and access to care for Transgender and gender nonconforming individuals in Los Angeles County by providing trauma-informed peer navigation services for outreach, education and referrals, developing a social media campaign designed to reduce stigma and change community norms, providing wrap around services for people in treatment, incorporating prevention messages into existing services, and through trainings for healthcare providers who want to increase their cultural responsiveness.
The Wall Las Memorias
Los Angeles County
To expand the OUD and SUD outreach program to additional parts of Los Angeles County by hosting community events integrating opioid prevention messaging, developing social media campaigns and live sessions, and by implementing a comprehensive LGBTQ+ support group that will receive training, resources, as well as share their personal journeys, as a way of increasing OUD and SUD knowledge and mobilization.